I know that I am all about the ease of grabbing a single piece of produce right now and enjoying not having to think about any sort of preparation. But good-golly my mouth watered when I saw this scrumptious artwork at the sushi bar of the local grocery store.
It was comprised of shredded carrots, cucumber and red cabbage were wrapped in lettuce leaves and then wrapped again with strips of avocado and tapioca paper. It also came with a package of sweet chili sauce.
The ingredients were so simple but they worked together to send me over the edge. I thought I would eat one for lunch and save the rest for another meal. But I couldn't wait. No, actually I simply didn't want to wait. I ate both wraps for my lunch and still didn't feel hungry at dinner time. I munch on veggies throughout the evening all the same just for the sake of having good food in me. It feels good.
I was at a meeting all evening and found my soaked almonds to be fun as well as tasty. I have learned that once they have soaked, the skin peels of really easy. It makes for an even more appealing and sweeter taste. Plus it keeps me from shoving things in my mouth by the handful out of habit.
I am also realizing that my taste buds are changing. I commented to my daughter that the coffee seems really strong and I wondered what was different about that processing batch. She just laughed at me and said, "Mom the coffee is the same. It is you that is doing the changing." Gosh, she is right.
Lord, I enjoy tea but I really love the cuddle taste of my coffee. I won't eventually give it up will I?
Blessings to you tonight.
Perhaps you'll just make it a bit weaker and weaker until it suits your taste buds!