I was mumbling and complaining last week to him because I am in this plateau of my body not wanting to let go of anything. I am really tired of seeing 182 on my weight scale. While I am not an expert by any means, I do know that our bodies have this muscle memory thing that happens when we yo-yo in weight. It recognizes the patterns of healthy and destructive eating and starts to hold onto fat storage as a backup just in case we choose to never eat again. That storage is usually horrid but our bodies treat it as treasure just because it already hold ownership. That is something of where a plateau comes from.
So, my plateau and complaining.....
I told my husband that I know I should be exercising but it is always easy to find a bazillion and one excuses not to. My breathing issues for one. I absolutely hate being hot for another. Then of course if I walk I feel guilty for not taking the dogs. If I do take them then it stops being exercise because they have to examine every single blade of grass and go in different directions. It is comical but not a cardio workout.

From that point on, I have been getting up every morning and gliding for 45 minutes while I plug into an episode of 'whatever' on Netflix to make the time go by. It is brilliant! If I were to have done the glider while simply watching the clock I would have worked myself slowly up to maybe 20 minutes and think that was special.
So I am stuck in the plateau for the moment but I am now eating healthy AND exercising and that is something to be excited about. Maybe I am still reading the same weight because I am building muscle and it is replacing that 'treasure trove'. It could happen.....
Thank You God for my husband!
Celebrating God's goodness!

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