August 6, 2013

Day 30....The First Unveiling

Today is the big day. It is 30 days since I started this journey of cleansing and really evaluating how I treat my body. Wanna see how I am doing?  Here are a couple of before pictures. They were both taken on the weekend of our daughter's wedding 2 months ago. With it being wedding weekend, I shudder at how I made such an effort to look my best.....and it was all a mask for the unhealthiness I was carrying. I had lost 10 lbs. over the wedding prep months and thought I was just fine.

Rehearsal Night - Hubby & Me
Mom, Nana & Me

That was me at over 200 lbs. and pouring myself into my clothes because I refused to buy a larger size. I was so frustrated when I ordered that dress because I had to spend the extra money for more fabric and get it in a 16W. I actually cried before placing the order. I kept thinking, 'I make decent food choices. I use healthy meat and never buy beef. I prefer gluten free crackers (and cake haa haa). I have a smoothie every day and sometimes a salad at dinner. What is wrong with me? Am I doomed to feel like this all the time?'

What was wrong? My body was crying out for real nutrition; God's nutrition. And mega doses of it.

Here I am yesterday and today on my way to a healthy rest of my life.

I have a long way to go as a healthy weight for me would be another 50 lbs. But I celebrate and am so grateful for the progress that I have made. If someone would have told me I could lose 20 lbs in a month I would have laughed at the idea. Now I am living the reality. 

I feel good. I have more energy, think clearly, sleep better, move easier and have no nagging digestive issues or embarrassments. My stomach doesn't cut off my breathing when I tie my shoes! My clothes are loose. My skin is clear. I am now having something of a love affair with the true flavors of real food as my taste buds dance and sing with the joy of nutrition. Sugar doesn't hold me in its shackles and the smell of theater popcorn no longer brings me to my knees.  

I have been teasing my husband that he is going to have to get me another wedding ring. My size 10 ring is getting really loose on my finger. As a matter of fact, when I play ball with our dogs, I have to move it to my thumb for safety or it will fly across the yard with each toss.

I received a most interesting compliment the other day. A friend and I were talking and she piped up with, "Oh my gosh! I never knew your eyes were so big!"
Can I be transparent and say just how much that thrilled me? Without being vain; we all love to hear compliments. My eyes used to be my biggest compliment but it has been a long time since I have heard any compliments at all.

 Thank You God for the joy and victory in this journey! I praise You for Your strength and encouragement and being my supplier for all my needs.

Until tomorrow, celebrating God's goodness!

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