August 8, 2013

Day 32.....A Kitchen Day

I have been in the kitchen all day today cooking this, making that, stirring ingredients and creating originals.

The first task of my day was to make dog food. I know.....when people hear that statement  it is either followed up by them trying to hide the humor in me being a crazy dog owner OR they want to know the inside scoop on what I do. I can't see your expression so I will take it for granted that you are interested.

It wasn't how I started out being a puppy owner. But I periodically read different things on how unhealthy commercialized dog food is. And THEN.....our fuzzy boy got sick from acute systemic allergies. It was a nightmare! We almost lost him. It took 2 years of home food and weaning him from steroids and antihistamines for him to look robust and not react to everything under the sun. Then when we adopted my dad's dog, he too developed allergies from general dog food being over processed. So these days I have a pattern set. I make a big batch up every 3 weeks and deposit into day sized freezer containers.

So there you have it. Sorry about that rabbit trail explanation.
After making dog food, I mixed up 2 batches of juice for myself. One was the Bye Bye Blues from Kelly at Nosh and Nourish (see my juice list for the amazing recipe). Goodness it is so very refreshing after being in the kitchen all day. I also made a fun new concoction of leftover veggies. I had a realization when I was looking at my chopping block of ingredients. I am really starting to gravitate away from the fruits and make mostly veggie drinks and I really like them green. How fun is that?!

3 carrots
4 celery
1 red bell pepper
2 kale
3 bunches of spinach
1 apple
1 lemon

My 19 yr old daughter sampled it and cringed at the green/lemon dose. But I love it. She is still currently in love with mega hourly doses of sugar and empty carb breads. I can totally understand how my drink would taste foul to her.

Last on the kitchen list was for me to make a huge pot of lentil soup to replenish my freezer stock. I keep a supply of single serving containers of soup in the freezer so that my on-the-go-family can grab and toss in the microwave.

Oh my goodness can I please say how proud I am of myself?! I love making and eating soup. But I have always depended on a can of this and a bag of that or the slab of bacon to bring flavor to my pot. Today I made a vegetarian lentil soup and I think it is better than anything I have ever made before. This whole juicing and falling in love with real food thing is causing me to really learn what flavors go together. Here is what I did....

My Own Real Lentil Soup
I did it from scratch for real!
Dice up and saute together 1 Walla Walla onion, 3 carrots, 3 celery & 1 red bell pepper in 4 TBSP of *coconut oil.

After the saute turns them bright and transparent, add 7 cups water and 3 cups **French Green Lentils and bring to a boil. 

Cover and turn to simmer for 45 minutes.

Add 2 diced large collard greens with stalks removed and about 10 inches of fresh basil.

Simmer simmer simmer. Salt & pepper to taste.

*Coconut oil doesn't tun rancid in the higher heats and doesn't leave the after taste that you might envision.

**French Green Lentils are known for their robust flavor and stay true to their shape when cooked. Other lentils turn to mush after being cooked.

Now I am sitting here enjoying the smells of my home. The kitchen is clean and my refreshing drink is nestled cool in my hand. It is a good day indeed.

Celebrating God's goodness!

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