January 29, 2011

Day 6.....

 Getting ready for bed but wanted to make note of today's successes.
I did a bit of shopping at Ikea and combated the wonderful smell of those tempting cinnamon rolls by keeping some string cheese in my pocket to snack on. Then afterwards I had to make a run to Costco and I was a bit nervous about all of the wonderful samples they have out for trying in each isle. I ate a travel peach cup in the car before going in and kept telling myself to not even look at the samples. God is so kind though. While they usually sample things like pizza and gooey chocolate cookies; today I was able to pick up samples of Activia yogurt and seaweed salad. I must admit that I did eat a spoon of organic bean chili and 3 rice chips. I think I still did really good though. It is all about choosing and thinking beyond the moment right?

6 days down and one more to go.
 I can't believe I am still happy with this!

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