Today makes 60 days since I started my endeavor to focus on a healthier more beneficial me. Just a few posts back, I shared my excitement concerning exercise. I am still loving it and have been learning more things about myself. One of the fun things that has happened.....well it didn't start out as fun. I had stuck with my husband's glider but was having problems with it. It just so happens that my feet are really super wide. It is a hassle when trying to find a pair of shoes but I have learned to live with it. However when using the glider, my feet were more wide than the support bar I stood on. So I would get severe cramps in my feet and have to stop a couple times to rest those muscles during my 45 minute workout. Eventually I got the wild idea that we needed to get a different piece of exercise equipment that we could both equally benefit from.
A quick 2 day look on our local web classified ads and I found the perfect thing. We got a great blessing of a deal on an elliptical machine. It is so cool and snazzy. There are 10 levels of tension, a computer read out for distance, speed, heart rate monitor and personal fan to stay cool. I love it! My feet don't cramp up anymore. That makes me really happy.
5 days a week I am doing 45 minutes on this great machine and boy is it a workout. I am positively drenched before I get halfway through.
This brings up a good point and new thought I have been entertaining.
I have always had a hard time exercising. Not only am I not coordinated and have had to deal with these unique lungs of mine but I can't stand to be hot. My revelation is this......I couldn't take getting hot because I was always dehydrated. My husband giggles at my logic and says I am weird (in a loving way) so I don't know how sound my thinking is.....but it makes sense to me. I would overheat and not sweat easily because I was always lacking hydration. Now that I have tons of juice and water always in my system, I break into a head to toe sweat and don't even realize it because I am busy having fun.
Guess what?!
Yesterday I had to purchase a new pair of pants. I don't want to buy a bunch of clothes until I have lost more weight. But to have one pair that actually fits correctly for the moment is a nice thought.
When I started this journey two months ago I was in a super tight sized 14 pant made for curvy women. It was so tight that I had to pour myself into them and really should have worn the next size up. The boot cut leg that should have had a complimentary swish to it was snug enough to be called a skinny jean. Not a pretty sight.
Yesterday while shopping I tried on 8 different types of pants starting with the curvy full figured style and then tapering down to the regular sizes. I tried on a 12 regular and it fit! Then I jumped off the mental bridge and tried on a 10 petite......and it fit!
I stood there in the dressing room overwhelmed and did a little jig. :-) Then I talked myself through a pep talk. You know the one that sort of goes like this...... sizes and numbers don't really matter. A number is just a number. It is how you feel inside that is important. But the other side of me was laughing and saying, "Hey if the 12 regular and the 10 petite both cost the same and they both fit it is a no brainer which one to buy." I mean really......which one would you buy?
I am so grateful and I feel so good and encouraged.
In actuality I have only lost 6 pounds this month. I am grateful for every ounce of it but of course have wanted those big dropping numbers to keep showing on my scale. I guess with all my exercising I am reshaping and building muscle (which weighs more) way more than I thought. Thank You God!
Celebrating God and all of His goodness!
Congratulations on your healthier eating habits and your weight loss Jules. Our church has been doing one of Priscilla Shirer's Bible Studies - Discerning the Voice of God. She has a book by the same name. You would love it. When I read some of your recent posts today, God spoke to me and said "See, this is what I've been trying to tell you through this study". In 2 Corinthians Chapter 10, Paul talks about destroying the ideas that defy the knowledge of God, not with worldly wisdom and tactics "of the flesh" but rather with "Weapons of our warfare" that are "divinely powerful for the DESTRUCTION of fortresses. The enemy builds up these strongholds that stand as a barrier to God's Word to us. I have a weight problem that I have attributed to having no self control over. He is keeping my life full of strongholds that make me admit to defeat and keep me from hearing God's voice. I'm determined to get out my sword and listen to the enemy no more. God wants me to be healthy and protect the Temple he built for my soul. And He is speaking to me through people like you who write to inspire. Thanks so much for sharing your stories.